Guest post from Christmas Carol cast member David Nadolski

Following the lead of one of the young ladies (Tess) who played Tiny Tim last year, I have decided to take up the mantle of the blog and occasionally report from inside the trenches as we build the beautiful final project that you have come to love over the years as A Christmas Carol.

First, my name is Dave Nadolski and I have the distinct honor of playing the role of Bob Cratchit for a second time this year. As you probably already know, this is a very different kind of show for Metropolis where we bond with our community online AND on stage, and I am convinced that you will be very pleased with what our new fearless Director Micky York brings to this year’s version of the show.

Last year, I was both touched and heartened by being able to experience what for many grade schoolers was their first ever brush with an activity that has become very special and central to the person I am today and the values I hold… the theatre. And it was SO FUN to see! Because with arts funding on the consistent decline and an educational push toward numbered test results which somehow translate to determining a student’s worth… now more than ever is THE time in a student’s life where they can experience something different, and it has been a beautiful experience to witness.

So whether it be your first interaction with these things they call “blogs”, your first interaction with theatre, or that A Christmas Carol simply holds a special place in your holiday tradition and your heart, on behalf of the cast and crew I would like to say welcome, and thank you for being an integral part of a tradition that we hold so dear.

Warmest Regards,

David J. Nadolski
(Bob Cratchit)