Let me tell you how the schedule works for a tech week – at least here at Metropolis. It’s similar at most theatres.

Last Wednesday we had a spacing rehearsal – first time actors run show on set in the actual theatre.Thursday we had a cue-to-cue rehearsal, where we just run technical cues – lights, sound, fog, haze (there is a difference between fog and haze, I’ve learned). Sunday we had another cue-to-cue all day, and had our first dress rehearsal that night. Another Dress Rehearsal on Monday, Tuesday and Tonight. Tonight, the show’s big sponsor, The Peoples’ Bank of Arlington Heights, are invited to attend. It’s a little behind the scenes look at the show, if you will. Fun for them, good for us to have an audience. We’ll could have as few as 50 and as many as 250. We’ll see.

There’s not a night during tech week when actors left before 11 and the tech and design staff before 1:30 am. So, yeah. There’s that.

Friday is first preview, Saturday second preview, open Sunday at 4. Forgive me if this post is all business. I’ve got a lot on the mind. I’m excited. My front tooth no longer hurts. I’m low on sleep but high on Zicam and Orange flavored Gummy vitamin C bears.I