
  • Metropolis Performing ArtscCentre interior chairs and stage

Invited Dress

Let me tell you how the schedule works for a tech week - at least here at Metropolis. It's similar at most theatres. Last Wednesday we had a spacing rehearsal [...]

2020-08-20T12:24:30-05:00Nov 25, 2009|In Rehearsal|
  • Metropolis Performing ArtscCentre interior chairs and stage


A character in the opening and closing numbers of the show is selling chickens on the street. I've been having doubts about the chickens looking real from the audience. After [...]

2020-08-20T12:24:30-05:00Nov 23, 2009|In Rehearsal, Tech, Video|

In the Space

Our first night in the actual theatre. That means we have to re-space everything in the show. In some cases you have more space than you thought, and in other [...]

2020-08-20T12:24:30-05:00Nov 18, 2009|In Rehearsal|
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