• Stage scene from Boeing Boeing at Metropolis Performing Arts Centre

Daily Herald Review: Boeing Boeing

Metropolis' solid production, however, makes up for some of the play's shortcomings. Vigorously staged by director Joe Lehman, "Boeing-Boeing" is ably performed by a well-rehearsed cast with spot-on timing and a flair for physical comedy.

2020-08-20T12:24:59-05:00Feb 16, 2018|In the News|
  • Stage scene from Boeing Boeing at Metropolis Performing Arts Centre

ReadBuzz Review – Boeing Boeing

Metropolis director, Joe Lehman, uses a translation of “Boeing Boeing” by Beverley Cross and Francis Evans which keeps the humor flying at a frenetic pace. Lehman’s blocking and pacing of the production are worthy of the author’s intent, but some elements are missing.

2020-08-20T12:38:31-05:00Feb 14, 2018|In the News|
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