I had the good fortune of sitting through last evenings dress rehearsal.

If you want to see a master’s class in character acting you need to see this show. The two stars have developed and created an array of characters that bring the script to life in a way that is most entertaining and funny. 
The supporting crew of designers and our director have given them terrific space to play in and created the right environment via lighting, sound, set and costumes that makes this show a delight and another fine example of the tremendous talent that we are blessed with here at Metropolis.
Kudos to Production Manager Bill Franz for leading us to another great show.
And, you have to see Andrew Pond and Matthias Austin in action. Matthias is a newcomer and is impressive in his debut performance at Metropolis and I have had the privilege of knowing Andrew for the past few years. Knowing Andrew’s work well I must say he gives one of the finest performances that I have seen on our stage.