(left to right) Dylan Marks, Julie Schroll, Jonathan Nichols and Kelly Lynn Hogan

(left to right) Dylan Marks, Julie Schroll, Jonathan Nichols and Kelly Lynn Hogan

Accomplice, our latest production, running through April 21, is a new kind of undertaking for us. For one, it’s a comedic thriller – a genre we haven’t produced since 2008 with Deathtrap. But even more exciting, it features four actors making their Metropolis debuts – Kelly Lynn Hogan, Dylan Marks, Jonathan Nichols and Julie Schroll. We checked in with this amazing batch of actors to see how they felt about their first experience with Metropolis, and with Accomplice.

“It really is a family here,” noted Hogan of her experience working at Metropolis. “That’s truly unique when a company is also so concertedly professional.”

All actors noted how much they enjoyed the rehearsal process and working with Resident Director Robin M. Hughes. “I particularly enjoyed the open, collaborative approach Robin uses in creating a scene. During each rehearsal we were all able to discuss and experiment until each moment came to life the way we felt it should,” said Marks.

“I truly respect her vision of the show,” added Hogan. “So often there’s disconnect between what the director wants to say through the script and what the text tells you is important, and Robin honors the text and the actor’s intrinsic ability to intuitively breathe life into it.”

As it is a thriller, the cast didn’t want to reveal any of the secrets of Accomplice. But they clued us in on some of their favorite moments in the show. “My favorite moment is when I come on in the second act,” said Nichols. “I don’t want to give too much away, but I really enjoy the energy of that shift.”

“The stylized playfulness of the first scene in act two remains entertaining night after night,” said Marks. “Julie and I don’t get many comic moments over the course of the evening, but I look forward to the few we have every time we go on.”

Without giving anything away, there’s one thing everyone at Metropolis agrees on: stick around for act two! “The first act can be a little difficult to follow,” said Nichols, “but the second act is being received well. By the end of the play, people are really enjoying it.”

Intrigued? Ready to uncover all the secrets of Accomplice? Click here to read more about the show and to purchase tickets.